October 17, 2013

Quick and Easy

Quick and Easy

I love to collect recipes. Wait, let me clarify that. I love to collect a certain kind of recipe. You got it – it’s anything with “Quick and Easy” in the title. That phrase is guaranteed to get my attention. I want meals that are full of flavor, healthy, and (did I mention this?) quick and easy.

“Quick and Easy” also sells a lot of household products. This gadget will make my floor clean, shiny, dust free and it’s quick and easy? Sold! This one detergent will pretreat and remove stains, restore colors to their brightest and it’s quick and easy? Sold!

You get the idea. Many of us don’t want to try anything that will take a great amount of time and effort. Let’s be realistic – sometimes we need quick and easy. Our lives are so full of the care of families, work and so forth, that we often need “quick and easy” to make the most of our time and efforts.

We tend to assume that evangelization is anything but quick and easy. True conversion does take a lifetime; it should be ongoing. However, small efforts on our part to evangelize can make an eternal difference. Let’s look at some examples.

Quick and Easy Ways to Evangelize….

  • Keep pen and paper handy to jot down prayer needs, inspirational points from a homily and so forth. I have heard several seminarians and priests remark that they have been influenced by my pastor, Monsignor Michael Mullen, in many ways but one small way has really impacted them. He has been a priest for over 50 years but they noticed he always has pen and paper with him. He jots down notes at every event he attends. That small habit of his has reminded so many that you can and should always be learning the faith and enjoying it!
  • Make the Sign of the Cross in public. That simple yet profound gesture tells those watching you are a Catholic Christian who believes in the trinity and you are unashamed to show it.
  • If you walk for exercise, take your rosary along. A brightly colored one can be seen by drivers in their cars and you may inspire someone to pray it as well. They can’t hear you but your prayer can be seen.
  • Laugh! St. Teresa of Avila prayed that we be saved from sour faced saints. Why would anyone want to be a Christian if we look so miserable and complain so much?
  • When you are resting on a bench at a mall or park, pray for those who walk by. If you see someone with a health issue, pray for their healing. If you see a couple together, pray for them to have a holy, lifelong marriage. If you see a family, pray for them to be holy and happy. A few seconds of prayer may help open a heart to evangelization. Don’t wait to be asked for your prayers – give them freely!
  • When others are discussing a film or TV show, mention the Christian values you noticed in the movie. You don’t have to sound like you’re preaching but comment on a character that showed moral strength, a couple sacrificing for the good of the other and so forth. Great storytelling will have Catholic values – point them out!
  • Have Bible, will travel. Right now there are some adults with disabilities who are interested in the Church, but they can’t easily get to us so I go to them. We have discussions that are filled with laughter, questions and Scripture. Each week while we're meeting, other adults seem to wander by regularly. Hopefully, they may join us permanently. Be willing to offer alternative solutions to those who express an interest in the faith.
  • Keep Catholic materials in your car or purse or backpack. If someone mentions a conflict in marriage, childrearing or other family situation, you can give the gift of a track or cd on the topic. Visit www.stjoe.com for inexpensive, quality recordings.

It is indeed possible to have quick and easy evangelization. May our little ways bring us all to great holiness!

God bless you.

1 comment:

  1. Here in the Bible Belt, making the Sign of the Cross in public will mos def create opportunities to evangelize.


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